Thursday, July 30, 2009

And then there were three...

The driving is definitely different with 2 kids! Yesterday's drive was long, boring, slightly sad but fortunately broken up with a side trip to the Grand Canyon. Dani had been asking to see the Canyon so of course I couldn't resist! Ironically, it was Dani who wanted to see the Grand Canyon and it was Dani who was terrified of the Grand Canyon. She got out of the car long enough to realize how high she was and then just to go potty. Best laid plans...

The highlight came on the drive from the Grand Canyon. We took a side road to avoid the interstate and were rewarded with beautiful views, an enormous herd of elk, the teeniest, tiniest roadside Chapel and then dumping out in the middle of Flagstaff...a quaint town that looked like an outdoor rec mecca. We ended up in a campground in Hollbrook, the petrified forest capital of the USA! I grilled hamburgers and corn and tried a smokey porter from...Alaska, of all places (ok but kinda like drinking a smoked ham or something). I couldn't find any local brew that i thought was worth springing a six pack for so i picked up a beer brewed by Alaskan, go figure?

We had the all-you-can-eat pancake breakfast and took off this am around 9. Long, long drive through several wicked storms. I made the kids stop in Albuquerque at one of my favorite dives, The Frontier. Something you may not know about me...I love New Mexican Green Chiles!! So i stuffed myself full of the goods and back on the road we went. We crossed into the great state of Texas after nearly 4 weeks and are staying at a motel in Lubbock tonight. Got a call from the LA gang and they are still looking for Mickey! Sandwiches, cereal and leftover burgers washed down with a Tangerine Wheat beer that I had picked up in California.

tomorrow...home, of course!
later, Rob

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